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Here are a bunch of reasons why the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft sucks

Skin selector

The skin selector is tied to the Marketplace so it's non-functional when you don't have internet access. So, when you open Minecraft and are offline, you randomly get the Steve or Alex skin selected for you and you can't change it. When you do try to change it, you get rerouted to the Marketplace, and of course it fails to connect and you can't get any further.

[ Image of the skin selector getting stuck at the Marketplace loading screen ] Image download link (~113K)

On Legacy Console Edition, skins didn't rely at all on any internet connected service. Instead, skins were stored on the device and could be switched to at any time.

I make a big deal about this because some people frequently don't have internet access, as well as some platforms like the Nintendo Switch are portable and expected to lack internet access sometimes. A lot of skin packs are paid DLC and people should be able to use what they paid for whenever they want; it's not like skins themselves are an online service.

Right stick is tuned poorly

The right stick on a controller controls the camera view so it's important that it be tuned for precision, especially with Minecraft being an FPS style game.

Legacy Console Edition has a very small deadzone, and the acceleration curve starts at the deadzone edge. This allows for very precise movement of the camera. It also has what feels like a curved acceleration profile. This allows for even more precision while still allowing for fast camera movement when the stick is full tilt. And the curve isn't too extreme so it's easy to get used to and use comfortably.

Bedrock edition has a much larger deadzone, and the acceleration curve starts at the stick center instead of the edge of the deadzone. This means if you slowly move the stick from the center outward, you'll get this type of thing: no movement, no movement, no movement, sudden and too much movement. This is most noticable when trying to aim with a bow or do anything else prcise. This problem makes the game unplayable with a controller on PC and mobile, but it's been somewhat mitigated on console editions, prooving that the devs do know about this issue. The issue still exists on console versions, but it's much less severe. But it's still really annoying, especially if your controller doesn't have large and precise joysticks, ex. the Nintendo Joycon.

Video download link (~1005K)

Inventory cursor movement

This is a different acceleration issue than the right stick looking controls. This type of acceleration starts moving the cursor slow and makes it speed up over the time of it moving; unrelated to how far the stick is pushed. The other issue is the cursor snapping back to its last position when letting go of the stick. And a third issue is the cursor moving really slow diagonally. These issues make using the inventory really annoying.

Video download link (~2.6M)

Legacy Console Edition uses an inventory cursor that directly correlates to stick movement and is so much faster and easier to use.

Game performance

The Bedrock Edition has been called the more performant version of Minecraft. That's only true when you compare it to Java Edition on PC hardware. Console is another story. Chunk loading sometimes gets so slow that you can catch up with it on foot. Forget about using an elytra to fly more than 10 chunks or so, you'll just run into a void wall of unloaded world and probably die of inertia. It's even slow when you just load into the world. Chunks only load in the direction that you look, and not very fast either.

There's also other performance issues with the menus. The game will stuter and sometimes not register inputs for the first 30 seconds or so after opening it. Loading screens, like entering a world or a server, are also extremely stuttery and ugly.

Video download link (~9.9M)

Legacy Console Edition doesn't have these lag issues. Chunks load fast enough to never interfere with travel. You don't have to look around waiting for chunks to load after entering a world, they all load evenly around the player no matter which direction they look. The game runs without a hitch in the menus and loading screen, and the loading times are miles better too.

UI experience

In Legacy Console Edition, everything in the menus was inline vertically and really quick and snappy to use. The selection color is a soft translucent blue that's easy to look at and fits with the button theme nicely. The inventory and crafting interfaces are separate, and the crafting interface is so well organized into tabs and catagories. In each tab, there is a horizontal row of catagories, and each catagory has a vertical list of items that you can scroll through

[ Screencap of the Legacy Console Edition crafting interface, showing catagories and lists ] Image download link (~237K)

The Bedrock Edition was designed for mobile and uses a radioactive green as a selection color, which I think is really ugly. Everything isn't quite lined up right, which doesn't necessarily look bad, but is really annoying when navigating with a dpad. The menus are just worse and harder to navigate through. The inventory and crafting interface is one. It's called the crafting book and it has 5 tabs, all with different items just kinda in the menu in a grid arrangement which makes it really hard to find the thing you want.

Servers vs Minigames

Legacy Console Edition has 3 minigames built into the game that you can join from the menu. They're Battle, Tumble, and Glide; survival battle games, spleef with a different name, and a new elytra based minigame where you'd fly through incredibly well built maps and either do a timed run or collect points flying through rings. Glide is one of a kind and there's never been anything like it, and probably never will be again. It's by far my favorite minigame and I've spent countless hours playing it.

Video download link (~4.9M)

The Bedrock Edition doesn't have minigames. Instead, it has 3rd party hosted servers, and you need a Microsoft account to access them. I know, it's really, REALLY retarded. And even if you do use a Microsoft account, none of these servers offer minigames of nearly the quality and polish that the Legacy Console Edition minigames have. And there's simply nothing to replace Glide. No elytra games of any kind which really makes me sad.

Something positive about the Bedrock Edition

After all that, I should say something positive about the Bedrock Edition. It uses double buffer Vsync, while Legacy Console Edition uses triple buffer Vsync. Bedrock has the advantage because double buffer Vsync has less latency than triple buffer. Through tripple buffer has the advantage of looking smoother when the fps drops below the displays native refresh rate, generally you'd want double buffer for gaming for the lower latency.

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